So I've taken to drawing bikes instead of riding them. Here's a couple of my more lighthearted drawings. Firstly, mooching along on the flat being the lazy cyclist. In my twenties I had a permanently sunburned midriff from spending too much time on the bike in crop tops. What can I say, it was the nineties:

And secondly, descending. Those who ride with me generally claim I descend like a maniac. I figure there's no point making the climb if you're not going to give it your all on the way down too:

The observant will note I don't much care for helmets, and that I'm a fan of downtube shifters. The observant would be correct.
Cool. Great to see you back on the blogsphere!!! Hope the move works out and you get some time to share your frame building skills with us again. Cheers, Shaun
Those ratios don't look right SuzyJ. :)
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