Friday, 25 October 2024

Preparing for the Perth MUG meetup.

So I've got some leave, and asked on MSPP if anyone was keen for a Perth Microbee Users Group (MUG) meeting. I have an ulterior motive. I never did get my compact flash coreboard working, as the software build side leaves me flummoxed. In my defence, it appears that my Mac lies about the geometry of compact flash cards.

Now people are going to come to my house. This is just the incentive to get going again on the Freebee Fremium prototype so I have something to show, and (much scarier) to tidy up my sewing room.

The sewing room comes up quite nicely. It didn't hurt that I did a purge on eBay recently (scoring nearly $2K!) giving me some much needed space for new projects.

Here's a photo of the whole FreeBee family. It's a sneak preview of what I'll be showing off at the meeting. I've got free open source versions of both disk/CF and ROM based coreboards, plus both standard and premium mainboards. The premium mainboard is able to go at four times the speed of a microbee, and runs everything I can throw at it.