I've spent a week or so of my holidays getting the Freebee Fremium design ready to go out. I am hoping that the changes I've made to speed up video RAM access work without a further respin, so have done all the little clean-up bits that one does in moving from prototype to production. Most of the changes are subtle, intended to improve buildability, such as:
- Adding part descriptiors under all the ICs, and in lovely inverse font too.
- Moving the two keyboard scanning ICs up just a little, to give a bit more gap to the keyboard stabilisation bar.
- Cleaning up the designators for the jumpers, so they're from A-Y across the board, making them a lot easier to find.
- Integrating a tiny speaker on the PCB.
- Adding a QR code with a link to the design files.
- Rationalising the number of decoupling capacitors, plus moving 100nF ones to spots where they'll do the most good.
In terms of actual changes to the way the machine works, we have:
- The improvements to CPU video access, as discussed previously.
- Bringing the BSTB and BRDY signals from the PIO out to the GPIO connector in addition to the ASTB and ARDY signals plus port A0-A7. This subtle change allows using the GPIO connector as a high-speed synchronous bidirectional port, using PIO mode 2. I've got this idea for plugging things (generally involving an Arduino Nano) into the GPIO port that allows such things as super fast USB comms with a computer, SD card interface, etc etc. However as the Arduino Nano is sure to be obsoleted in about five minutes and become impossible to get, I don't want to design that onto the main board.
- Allowing the machine to invert VSYNC, by simply changing the video starting address in the CRTC (much as is done for small fonts). This gives us the ability to pretend our video is EGA rather than CGA. Without changing our dot clock to 16.257 MHz we can't make full EGA resolution, but we do (I think!) have enough video speed at 13.5 MHz to do a 466 x 350 (58 x 25 characters with an 8 x 14 font). This is actually kinda special, as this means the pixels are pretty close to square.
- A caps lock LED. I just connected this to LV6, an unused port bit.
There's also a couple of small mechanical changes, mainly around pushing the DIN connector back a few millimetres to get it in line with the D connectors. This necessitated making the PCB a bit bigger, and adding small notches to clear the tabs either side of the DIN connector on the Microbee case. I suspect that Applied Tech originally planned to do just this, but the cost of putting the notches in to the PCB put a kaibosh on that, and instead they just moved the DIN connector back into the case a bit.
A couple of screen grabs of the 3D model:
And the schematic pages:
Design files are on my google drive.
Here's the first one mostly assembled. I've had to steal a few ICs from the prototype, and have made a Digikey order for replacements. Mouser didn't have the 9 pin video connector in stock, so hence Digikey. I've decided to go with Gateron brown keyswitches, as whilst the Cherry MX blue ones feel divine to type with, they're shockingly noisy, meaning I can't play with it late at night. Now that I'm writing software for it I need to be able to use it in the wee hours. The brown ones still have a tactile feel, but without the click noise. I'm resisting the (strong) urge to rip other things apart to harvest parts to complete this.
And complete. There are two issues with the board, requiring three bodge wires to make it work. The first is a rookie mistake. Doubling the video RAM access rate means that the eighth slot is now CPU, not character. So using a simple 3 input NAND gate on the clocks to generate a low pulse for load means that it occurs after the character read. We must load the shift register on the /CHCK (seventh) instead. So cut the /LOAD net source (IC46 pin 12) and instead use /CHCK (IC4 pin 9) to drive the /LOAD net.
Additionally, the phase of the dot clock is incorrect relative to load. This didn't matter for the lower speed access, as the character read was enabled in the cycle prior to needing it. Now we've only got one cycle, and need that whole cycle to allow for address setup and read to propogate through the video RAM. By inverting dotclk for the shift register the rising edge of dotclk is now coincident with the end of the /CHCK pulse, giving us ample time for the video read.
And running at an unprecedented 13.5 MHz, using a 20 MHz Z-80, doing video writes and everything.